Monday, December 7, 2009

Just a Quick One

Hi, all. Hope to get a post in tomorrow, but I wanted to do a quick one this evening to go up in the morning.

Training in Charleston was great. I'm super excited to begin work in the morning. It was a lot of information to compress and process in just one week, but I think this is going to be a really fun job for me.

I did get some reading in while in my hotel this week. I know I've had a lot going on lately and haven't been as good about posting as I would have like to have been. I promise things should start settling down now -- hopefully.

We've had an incident this evening and I'm really crossing my fingers that it doesn't set Mike and I back too much. He's big in snowboarding and apparently had an accident on the slopes today. I don't know all of the details, mainly because I think he was afraid to tell me, but he has some torn ligaments and will now need knee surgery to repair them. No more snowboarding for him this season.

Fun stuff.

Anywho. I'm going to go ahead and hit the sack for the night and will get back to you Tuesday morn at the latest.

P.S. Are you watching Alice on SYFY? You should be!


Cheryl said...

Glad to hear training went well. Sorry to hear about Mike. Hope he has a speedy recovery.

Stay warm. We just got our first snow of the season here in Grand Junction

Vickie said...

{{HUGS}} to Mike and I hope he heals quickly.
Glad the training went so well, albeit the firehose method of training. It's great that you are excited about the new work.