Here's a bit about the book from Goodreads for you:
When Triss wakes up after an accident, she knows something is very wrong. She is insatiably hungry, her sister seems scared of her, and her parents whisper behind closed doors. She looks through her diary to try to remember, but the pages have been ripped out. Soon Triss discovers that what happened to her is more strange and terrible than she could ever have imagined, and that she is quite literally not herself. In a quest to find the truth she must travel into the terrifying underbelly of the city to meet a twisted architect who has dark designs on her family-before it's too late . . .
Set in England after World War I, this is a brilliantly creepy but ultimately loving story of the relationship between two sisters who have to band together against a world where nothing is as it seems.
I've actually read some reviews of this (like this one from The Midnight Garden) and it seems to live up to the excellent description here. I'm dying to read it (and the rest of the award nominees I've not yet read as well).
OK, first may I say that the cover is a mega creepy one. I don't know what it is about doll heads, but they seriously weird me out. They look at you.
And this phrase in the description was intriguing: "brilliantly creepy but ultimately loving". What a contrast. Keeping this one in mind - would definitely get as an e-book. Couldn't take that cover. ;-)
I would never in a hundred years pick up that book to read because of the cover! A little creepy is good, but this book's cover makes it look like it's full-on creep, all the time, which wouldn't be the book for me.
Thanks for the review!
Haha! It does look SUPER creepy, but I'm dying to read it. I might have to go full on eerie doll fest and pair it with the new DOLL COLLECTION anthology ed by Ellen Datlow.
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