Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Girl Before a Mirror by Liza Palmer

Hi, everyone! As promised, today I'm part of the TLC tour for Liza Palmer's latest, Girl Before a Mirror. If you missed last week's excerpt post, you can check that out here, I'll wait :)

On Anna Wyatt's fortieth birthday she gets the go ahead to pursue a pitch she thinks could make her career. And she's right. Landing the Lumineux account would be a guaranteed stepping stone to the much larger and much more important Quincy Pharmaceuticals account. Lumineux was one of the company's very first products, one that hasn't been rebranded for decades, and Anna has an idea that would not only bring it back into the limelight but make it a must have product for women everywhere. 

Anna's pitch sends her to the annual RomanceCon writers' conference where she and her colleague will guest judge the Mr. RomanceCon pageant. If Quincy approves, the winner of the pageant will be featured in the new Lumineux ad campaign. Unfortunately for Anna, the closer she gets to approval the more her boss wants to take the credit. It doesn't help that Anna's facing a number of new distractions along the way as well, namely her brother's personal issues and a fling with a hot Brit. 

Girl Before a Mirror seemed a little lighter than previous books I've read by Palmer. There are still some heavy issues, but much of the focus here is on finding and being true to oneself. Honestly, I sympathized with Anna throughout the entire book and that's something I've really loved about all of Palmer's works: the fact that the characters are the kinds of girls I could and would (and may actually be) friends with. Anna faces workplace issues, family issues, love life issues... the same things we all face in our own day to day lives. But through her we can laugh and cry and maybe even learn a little ourselves.

Rating: 4/5

To see more stops on the tour be sure to head over to the official TLC tour page here.

For more on Liza Palmer and her work, you can visit her website here. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

1 comment:

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

Anna sounds like a girl I could be friends with as well. Stories like hers are always entertaining for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

Thanks for being a part of the tour.