
Saturday, November 15, 2008

On a quest

You might recall that a few weeks ago, during my Halloween Horror Reading Marathon, I read Dan Simmons's 1985 debut, Song of Kali. It was amazing and like all amazing books in a genre has ruined me for horror for a bit. I'll get over it. In the meantime, though, I decided that I need to find a copy of Simmons Stoker winning Carrion Comfort, which, surprisingly, is now out of print. Boo. 

There was a beat up copy at our local used bookstore last time I was there, but since I am so picky about the quality of my books, I passed on it thinking I could find it elsewhere. Not so, stupid, Becky. I called a couple of other used bookstores in the area (minus the one who's owner is supposed to be a total ass) and no one had it in stock. I tried the first bookstore again and they didn't even have it in stock anymore. 

Finally, out of desperation and with no idea what I am getting, I ordered it online. And now I wait. I'm quite sure, though, after reading The Terror and Song of Kali, that it will be worth it. And in the meantime, I now have Lovedeath, Summer of Night, and Children of Night as well as the upcoming monstrosity that is Drood to tide me over. 

And since I do not have said book as of yet, here is the PW review from way back in 1989 if you are curious as to why I am searching for it so:

The second novel by World Fantasy Award-winner Simmons ( The Song of Kali ) is a 636-page epic that draws on a variety of genres--horror, science fiction, political thriller, Hollywood roman a clef. It centers around a small number of "mind vampires" who can subjugate other people to their wills, read their minds, experience through their senses. The immensely powerful vampires use others, often bloodily, and often in frivolous "games" (hunting human prey, chess games with human pieces, and so on). Opposing them are Saul Laski, a psychologist and concentration-camp survivor, who is devoted to tracking down the Nazi vampire von Borchert; Natalie Preston, whose father inadvertently and fatally crossed the path of a pawn of the ancient, dotty vampire Melanie Fuller; Sheriff Bobby Joe Gentry, dragged in while investigating the multiple murders that marked the departure of Melanie Fuller from Charleston; and a host of other normals and vampires whose lives impinge on those of the principals. While he could profitably have trimmed the novel by a third, Simmons has produced, overall, a compelling thriller.


Cheryl said...

Wow. I will have to check this book out. I just received Drood the other day

Becky LeJeune said...

I'll keep you posted on this one. I loved Song of Kali and The Terror, though, so I expect this one will be just as fabulous.