For Poppy, life in Gaialand was a bit like paradise. Until she started to grow up.
The turn began with the arrival of Shakti, a woman whose exotic nature drew almost everyone in the commune to her. Shakti planed a ceremony for the seven commune children, one in which she promised to predict their future paths. Poppy's promised true love in a foreign land. It was a prediction that immediately began to affect her choices, and led her to leave the commune behind for London. But was the prediction worth giving up the life she knew?
Zander's latest traces Poppy's story as she moves from the commune to the big city, passing from her teenage years in the late seventies through her early adulthood in the eighties. Her life is filled with decisions - some made according to logic, some made according to love, and some made according to the prediction Shakti laid out for her. And as she wonders which decisions are the right ones, her life progresses in ways she could never have imagined.
It's an interesting read, one about fate, human nature, and the heart. It's also about the freedom and uncertainty faced by someone who thought their life was all planned out. Of course most of us don't have a life that's all planned out. Most of us are living day to day, sometimes wary of how our decisions will play out further down the line. Interestingly, the prediction that is the deciding factor for Poppy in beginning her life away from the commune leaves her free to live without such wariness or fear. At least in the beginning.
As to whether Shakti's prediction is a true one or whether things will work out for Poppy, that's something you'll have to discover for yourself!
To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here.
For more on Bianca Zander you can visit her website here. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.
I don't remember seeing this on TLC. They are my favorite virtual book tour organizer (shh! don't tell anyone). :)
@dino0726 from
FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews
Thanks for being a part of the tour!
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