
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Devil's Creek by Todd Keisling

I've been very neglectful of the blog, really only posting tour posts. Why? Because I've been a bit overwhelmed! And yet, as someone who works in publishing, I of all people am aware of the need to post reviews! So I'm back! And I"m trying to do better. 

Also, IT'S SPOOKY SEASON! Which seems like a great time to get back into blogging! And I'm kicking it off with, full transparency, one of my new clients. 

As an aside, I did not actually work on this title. It was already out in the world well before I started working with Todd. But it was one of the first things I read by him and I adore it, so I can't help but post. I will be posting more from Todd and other clients. I'll always put a header so you're aware. And they won't be reviews, per se, since I do work with them.

Everyone knows about the dark history of Devil's Creek. That back in the 80s there was a church there that burned to the ground. Almost everyone in the congregation died. 

Jack Tremly did not. In fact, he was one of the Six. Siblings that survived the fire. Illegitimate kids whose mothers blindly followed Jacob Masters and his cult. And all of them fathered by Jacob himself. 

Jack was raised in nearby Stauford by his grandmother. One of the handful who turned against Jacob and his teachings. And as soon as it was feasible, Jack left town to start a life well away from his dark past. 

But now Jack is back. His grandmother has passed and as her only living relative able to settle her estate, he must reluctantly return to Stauford. And with her death, and Jack's return, Jacob Masters's plans are revived. 

Fair warning, this book is dark. Keisling does include an author's note at the start with a pretty hefty content warning.

Another small note, there is an earlier edition of the book that might still be floating around. My post here is for the Cemetery Dance edition that released in 2023. 

So this one popped up on more than one recommended reading list that I'd come across and was in my must have list when I went to StokerCon in June. And amazingly, Todd was the first author I was introduced to there. 

I snagged a copy at the mass author signing (got mine signed) and brought it back to my hotel room at 2am. I made it through the opening chapter before I fell asleep and had nightmares as a result. 

I kid you not!

I devoured this book! And a few cool things about it: 

Keisling is a designer as well as an author and he fully designed the interior. It's not something you usually see in books and it's a super cool affect that amplifies the reading experience. 

This book and Stauford are part of Keisling's Southlands world. And part of a mythos he's building within said world. A lot of his work ties into this mythos, which I find exceptionally awesome!

Devil's Creek is a hefty read. And again, it's dark. It deals with trauma and a lot of other stuff. But it's also well deserving of the Stoker nomination it earned and the praise so many authors have for it, including Ronald Malfi who wrote the new intro. 

So even if you don't want to take my word for it, S. A. Cosby, Eric LaRocca, John Langan, and more can't be wrong!

And for more of the Southland Mythos, be sure to check out Todd's new collection, Cold, Black & Infinite, as well as his novellas The Final Reconciliation and Scanlines!

Order a copy from Bookshop today!

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