Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Her Every Fear by Peter Swanson

Happy Tuesday, readers! Today I'm a stop on the TLC blog tour for Peter Swanson's latest, Her Every Fear.

Kate Priddy is a bit paranoid. She's knows it, it's something she's dealt with all her life. The fact that she was once held captive by her ex boyfriend hasn't helped. So her parents are surprised when she agrees to a six month house swap with her cousin in Boston. He'll live in Kate's flat in London while working a new job and Kate will be visiting the US for the first time while also attending an art class. But when she arrives and learns that the girl in the apartment next door has gone missing, Kate immediately imagines the woman dead. And she's right. 

As Kate learns more about the dead girl, she realizes that the people around her are hiding things. Could her cousin have been involved? What about the nice man who lives on the opposite side of the building? The police are investigating, but Kate's closeness to the crime compels her to search for answers. In spite of the fact that it could lead to very real danger. 

I can sympathize with Kate - I'm a bit of the same way when it comes to imagining worst case scenarios. It comes naturally, and my imagination does spin terribly out of control!

Despite Kate's past, I was glad that she wasn't actually a fragile and paranoid creature. Yes, she imagines terrible things. But she's taken a leap and traveled to another continent in the interest of breaking her habit of avoidance. And she handles the murder next door quite well!

Swanson offers readers glimpses into a few different characters' heads: Kate, of course, her neighbor Alan, her cousin Corbin... So there really aren't any big twists in the end. Instead, as Kate tries to tease out answers in her own investigation, the reader is given full insight into the minds of the other people (and suspects!) around her. So the tension comes from wondering what will happen to Kate and whether she'll figure out who the killer is in time.

And Kate is in real danger, there's no doubt about that. For someone who's experienced very real terror in her own life, her desire to move past that almost becomes her worst enemy.

Her Every Fear was a fun one - a quick read with an appealing heroine and a ton of suspense!

Rating: 4/5

To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here.

For more on Peter Swanson and his work you can visit his website here. You can also follow him on Twitter.

Purchase Links: HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Kay said...

I liked this one a lot, though perhaps not as much as his previous book, A KIND WORTH KILLING. I had preordered it for audio and got the notice today. Think I'll give a listen now. Yay!

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I like that Kate didn't let her fear hold her back from experiencing life. That's the kind of character I really want to read about.

Thanks for being a part of the tour!