
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions for 2016

I've decided to jump on board with Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week the topic is: Bookish Resolutions.

Just five for me this time around :)

1. Finish all those trilogies that are hanging around - I have the worst habit of letting series finales linger in my TBR. I don't know if it's because I just don't want them to be over or if it's really that hard to squeeze them in, but there are a ridiculous amount of them staring at me accusingly from the pile right now!

2. Read more sci-fi - This seems to be one I make to myself every year and I think every year I'm getting a little better about it. It's a genre that's intimidated me since high school, when I dipped my toe in and promptly jumped right back out. I just felt like too much of it went over my head. Course that could have been the books I chose to try (cough, cough, Dune). And while I've always enjoyed titles with sci-fi elements, titles like The Martian and James S. A. Corey's Expanse series have boosted my confidence in the full on genre reads and my ability to GET them. 

3. Building a kick ass client list - Many of you may not know this, but I've very recently been promoted to Associate Agent. Yes, for some of 2014 and all of 2015 I've not so secretly been working as a reader and assistant at a literary agency, which means that my Goodreads challenge count (which I met at 240 titles read) was actually under considering the un published manuscripts I read throughout the year. So for 2016 I'll be reading for the agency, reading for my list (yay!), AND reading for my personal pleasure/reviews. 

4. Being a bit more brutal with DNFs - Yeah, this is one I struggle with. I still feel like I have to finish every book I start even if it means slogging through a read I can't stand. But given that the new job responsibilities mean even more reading, there's really just not going to be time for me to muddle through something I don't like. 

5. Being a bit more brutal cleaning out my shelves - I'm no slouch when it comes to getting rid of books. I regularly pass them along to friends and family members or donate them. I have to purge my shelves quite often to keep the books from taking over the house, though. In the past, I felt I had to hang on to every book I ever read. You know, in case I wanted to go back to them one day. I'm being much more selective in that regard, with the knowledge that for the most part I CAN actually find the book again in one form or another should the desperate urge to reread hit me. 


Kay said...

Congrats to you on your new duties! Will it be fun? I know when I went to work at the library everyone said to me, oh, you'll get to read all day. Um...no, not so much. But I guess you will get to read all day. Good luck! Have a great 2016 reading year. Definitely DNF books at aren't working for you. Life is too short!! Take care, Becky!

Literary Feline said...

Congratulations on your promotion! What a wonderful job--to read for a living. :-) Although I'm sure it's not all sunshine days.

This is a great list of goals, Becky! I would like to read more Science Fiction this year as well.

Jen | Book Den said...

I bet you do own a lot of books. I don't read near as much as you do, and yet... the books! I used to hold on to them all, too, but I've gotten better about giving them away.