I'd like to welcome Zoraida Córdova to the blog. Zoraida is the author of the upcoming book The Vicious Deep, out May 1 from Sourcebooks Fire.
With THE VICIOUS DEEP, you've built a world filled with all sorts of mythological creatures. How and why did you choose mermaids as your main focus?
I think mermaids lend themselves well to coming of age. They are part of two worlds. When you're 17 and on the brink of such changes, sometimes it feels like you just don't know where you fit. For Tristan, it's literal. Besides, mermaids are just cool.
Who are some of your favorite merfolk throughout literature/mythology/film history?
One of my favorite novels growing up was Sirena by Donna Jo Napoli. It made me realize that I could write a mermaid novel. I recommend it to fans of Greek mythology and love stories.
I once read a post where a selkie author talked about how selkies are way cooler than vampires. So same question to you, tell me how mermaids are cooler than all the other supernatural beings out there and why they're the next big thing.
I didn't consider them the next big thing when I was writing the book. I think it happened by accident. What are the chances that all of these authors shopped their mermaid novels at the same time? It's crazy right? Mermaids have always been more mysterious than other supernatural creatures to me. Partly because they haven't been done to death. But also because there is so much in the sea that hasn't been discovered yet.
What sort of offering would you bring if you were meeting The Sea King?
Bacon. Because if Tristan had been thinking clearly, he would've done the same thing.
When is book two set for release and any hints as to what readers can expect?
I believe The Savage Blue is slated for Spring 2013. Let's just say Tristan couldn't even see this coming.
What tips do you have for someone trying to break into YA?
Read. It's that simple. Reading accomplishes two things: craft building and market knowledge.
A huge, huge thanks to Zoraida for the q&a and for Sourcebooks for helping set it up!
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