Every year Violet Baumgartner carefully pens a letter outlining the achievements and goings on in the Baumgartner family. And this most recent year was a doozy! Ready to announce the extravagant party for her husband's retirement, Violet could never have predicted exactly how that event would turn out. In its aftermath, she struggles to maintain control and a facade of calm but six months later that's proved to be almost impossible.
A midwestern family saga filled with warmth, humor, and more than a little awkwardness, Evergreen Tidings From the Baumgartners proved to be the perfect book for me to gobble up in the midst of what's been a truly hectic few weeks!
The book begins in June with police and bounces back to Violet's penning of the annual holiday letter just before the previous Christmas. Narrators include Violet herself, who's preoccupied with both her husband's retirement party and the charity gift drive she's running for her church; Violet's daughter, Cerise, who's got a surprise she's waiting to spring after the party; and Richard, the newly laid off husband of one of Violet's friends.
Through their eyes, the six months leading up to the start of the book play out, building the drama and humor every step of the way. And amongst the narration are missives and letters from the Baumgartners's past, illustrating the family happenings and accomplishments throughout the years.
I thought this was a truly fun read perfect for anyone craving a little bit of feel good this fall!
Evergreen Tidings From the Baumgartners doesn't officially hit shelves until October 16, but trust me, this is one you want to snatch up just as soon as you can!
To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here.
For more on Gretchen Anthony and her work you can visit her website here. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Purchase Links: Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble
I just had a major issue with Violet. Major. But, I enjoyed the book.
Thanks for being on the tour!
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