
Friday, October 21, 2022

Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison

Rory never planned to return to her hometown. But when her sister's partner leaves in the midst of her pregnancy, Rory is the one she calls. 

Which is why Rory is back. And why she has a run in with an old friend who could be more. And why she finds herself getting attacked by a wild animal in the middle of the night.

And after that happens...things start to change for Rory. And not necessarily for the better.

If you didn't know, this is a werewolf book. And it's so much fabulous fun! I love Harrison's style of dark humor. It makes her books such completely enjoyable reads!

Rory is a big city girl who escaped her small town and truly never intended to return. 

Yes, she has family and friends there. But that's about it. It's a dead end and she wants to go places!

But when her sister calls, Rory is definitely not going to say no. Especially when her turd of an SO abandoned her! (Rory feels a little protective of her sister.)

The last thing she wants, though, is a complication tying her down. And that's exactly what she gets—in spades. 

She's attacked by something. Some say it was a bear, but Rory kind of thinks not. But it's when Rory starts to notice certain changes in herself that she begins to think the creature in question is actually one that couldn't possibly exist in real life!

I loved Rory's evolution in this book. She's kind of a bitch when we meet her. Very wrapped up in herself, in spite of the fact that she does clearly care about and want to support her sister. And the family dynamics are fantastic!

Harrison's exploration of personal growth through the lens of someone coming to grips with being a werewolf is the perfect combination of heart and escapism! With, of course, an excellent helping of horror!

Order a copy from Bookshop.org!

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