Thursday, October 13, 2016

News of the World by Paulette Jiles + a Giveaway

Hi, everyone! I'm off at the Women Writing the West conference right now, which makes today's post pretty appropriate :)

Today I'm a stop on the TLC blog tour for Paulette Jiles's National Book Award nominated News of the World.

Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd spends his post war days traveling Texas's northern regions and sharing the news. It's a job he enjoys and takes pride in. One that is important to him. But his knowledge of the state, and his experience as a soldier, are exactly what's in need when Johanna Leonberger is rescued from Kiowa captives. The girl, orphaned and being transported to her only living relatives, doesn't remember her life before the Kiowa. Given the choice, she'd return to her adoptive family. But they no longer want her either. 

And so it's up to Captain Kidd to bring the girl from Wichita City all the way south to San Antonio. Their journey won't be an easy one, but hopefully, Kidd can protect the girl and succeed in his mission. 

News of the World is, if you're a fan of them, a western. If you're not a fan, though, trust me when I say that won't matter one bit! It's a story of survival and a story of friendship. The kind of story that, paired with Jiles's writing, defies genre and will appeal to a wide range of readers.

Set in post Civil War Texas, Kidd and Johanna travel the lands I've heard Paulette Jiles herself calls home and often travels by horseback. It's clear she shares a passion for the Lone Star State's history that Kidd himself would admire. In telling his tale, she has carefully researched the era and setting, drawing on real historical figures in her creation of Kidd and the tale. (Britt is real, for example, and, though fictionalized here, Kidd himself is real as well.)

I've not read all of Jiles's work. My own first time reading her was the quite different post apocalyptic Lighthouse Island. So I didn't know that Britt is a returning character. Fans of The Color of Lightning will no doubt be pleased to see him again, brief though it may be.

I loved the scenery painted by Jiles's prose. I am, somewhat, familiar with modern day Texas but admittedly haven't roamed the countryside that much. The land described here is the land my own great grandparents settled once upon a time. While I doubt they shared any adventures akin to that of Captain Kidd, I can imagine them there on their farm just outside of San Antonio, perhaps waving as Kidd and Johanna pass them on their journey.

And now for the giveaway: I have one hardcover copy to give away to one of you lucky readers today. To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below before Monday, October 24. Open US only.

To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here. And for more on Paulette Jiles and her work you can visit her website here.

Purchase Links: HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


KAS said...

Becky, you are my shining star, don't you go away! Know that old song? Okay, I'm weird ;-) I was so hoping to chance upon a giveaway for this; this is a must-own. Everyone says this is a gem; I've seen the reviews for months. Thanks so much for featuring it and this rare opportunity for we readers to win! Best, Kara S

Burma Turner said...

I have been hearing so many good things about this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Terry said...

I loved Enemy Women and have heard so many good things about News of the World that I can't wait to read it.

Danielle H. said...

This is a new book and genre for me, though I do love historical fiction. I'm happy to read in your review that this author's writing is so good. I hope you have safe and fun travels!

traveler said...

Thanks for this fascinating historical which I would enjoy.

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I don't always love westerns but I do always love good stories steeped in history. And this is most certainly that kind of book - I know I'll love it!

Thanks for being a part of the tour.

Jennifer C said...

I'm always looking for a western-ish book my Dad and I can read and discuss because his favorite genre is westerns...and he's been reading and re-reading the same books for his entire reading life. This one sounds like the perfect one for us.

Kimberly V said...

I haven't read any westerns but this one sounds like one I would enjoy. Thank you.