Monday, March 3, 2014

The Accident by Chris Pavone + a Giveaway

Hi, everyone! Today I'm a stop on the TLC book tour for Chris Pavone's latest, The Accident. And as a bonus I'm able to offer up a copy for giveaway. Be sure to read to the bottom to enter.

The Accident by Anonymous. It's the kind of manuscript every agent dreams about, every editor wants to acquire, and every publisher wants on their list. But this particular manuscript also places everyone who reads it in almost certain danger. 

Isabel understood that having the manuscript in hand would be a risk. After staying up reading it all night, she immediately contacted a trusted agent who turned around and pitched it to his boss at McNally & Sons. But as quick and careful as they were been, someone already knew they'd read it; all of them have been under tight surveillance for quite some time. See the manuscript in question is a tell all biography about Charlie Wolfe, a media mogul with the highest connections and an eye on future political office. The details outlined in the book would ruin the man and have far reaching effects. Which of course means the book will be a big hit if it ever makes it to print but only if those involved can stay alive long enough to make that happen. 

After having read and loved Chris Pavone's debut, Expats, I have to say that I was greatly anticipating a new release from him. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that The Accident was set in the publishing world, though. Squee!

My one teeny tiny issue was the way the revelation about the author played out. I doubt any reader will have a hard time figuring out who Anonymous really is and I was actually a bit confused about why Pavone dragged out the official reveal so long. There are clues peppered throughout the book and a pretty big tell about halfway through that's almost impossible to miss. And yet we had to wait almost to the very end for confirmation. It didn't necessarily add or take away any of the suspense in wondering or knowing, but it is what it is. Just something that I pondered while reading.

In all other ways The Accident fully lives up to the expectation set by Expats (and we get a little return to Kate here, too). It's a one sitting read for sure and a tightly plotted, well executed thriller that's smart and packed with tension.

Rating: 4.5/5

To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here. For more on Chris Pavone and his work, you can visit his website here.

And now for the giveaway. Thanks to the publisher I'm able to offer up one copy for giveaway, US only and no PO Boxes. To enter just fill out the Rafflecopter before Monday, March 17. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


traveler said...

A unique novel which sounds captivating. thanks for this giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Terry said...

I read and enjoyed The Expats. This one sounds like it would be a good read too.

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'm glad this one lived up to your expectations (minus that one little thing).

Thanks for being a part of the tour! I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds so good and suspenseful.


Unknown said...

I dig a good frame story! Your high rating carries a lot of weight, so I'll be sure to pick up a copy when I run across it.